Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Mehul Chaudhari - Naturalist Essay
Mehul chaudhari
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Naturalist Essay

Due to very cheap airfare, I decided to take a trip to my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama this weekend. While I have been told in the past that I do not look or sound like I am from the South, I think that many people assume everyone that is from Alabama has a thick southern drawl and does not know what shoes are. Another assumption is that Alabama is home of all farms. Where I live, this is not the case. There are no farms for at least an hour and a half out of Birmingham. Since my family recently just moved into a new neighborhood in a suburb of Birmingham while I was away at college, I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to see what I could encounter with nature.
There were many things that I noticed that were completely different from my usual walks down the streets of Chicago compared to my walk I was currently taking in my very wooded and damp atmospheric neighborhood. It had just stopped raining, and the mosquitos were swarming. There are hardly ever insects in Chicago, but in the south, they are everywhere. When I am home in Alabama, I am always amazed about how green and lively everything looks compared to when I am in Chicago. Just by taking a 45-minute walk in my neighborhood, I am astonished by how hilly the land is. I can literally see hills and mountains, where in Chicago everything is very flat and there are hardly any trees. One of the main things I noticed on my walk was this patch of mushrooms growing behind one of the bushes of my neighbor’s yard. It was like nothing I have seen before. These mushrooms were very vibrant, large, and exquisite. I couldn’t help but take a picture for my personal keeping, because it was not something I can easily see walking down the sidewalks of Lincoln Park.
I feel that whenever I am home I appreciate nature more because I can actually hear the trees sway, and the birds chirping instead of those noises being drowned out by the sounds of cars and ambulances on Fullerton. Even though I interact with nature every day in Lincoln Park, I feel as if the “nature” part is very artificial. Almost every tree has been strategically placed to make room for people to walk. Humans force nature to adapt to us, and in someway we make it so we have to adapt to nature. For example, because we cannot change how the weather is in the winter, we do what we can to adapt to nature.
My walk resembled Kuo’s more than Muir’s due to the fact that Kuo explains how arboriculture limits the crime in neighborhoods and encourages neighborhood interaction. Because my neighborhood does have a lot of well-kept lawns and trees, I feel as if this encourages interactions between neighbors and does limit crime to a certain extent. I think Kuo’s and Muir’s writings differ in that Kuo was describing ways in which one could improve their neighborhood and how arboriculture could benefit those in residential neighborhoods while Muir’s writing was depicting vivid scenes of nature in different areas. It also did not talk much, if any, about arboriculture. Muir also wrote in a way that made his ideas sound like poetry. Both Kuo’s and Muir’s writings greatly differ such as the nature in Birmingham and that of Chicago.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Naturalist Essay
My walk consisted of going from my apartment on Southport and Fullerton down Fullerton to the Quad, through the Quad and back down Belden back towards my apartment. The walk down Fullerton had small amounts of “green” areas. There were some trees and spots of grass but not as much as I encountered later. Walking through the Quad there was a nice open lot with numerous trees and a lot of grass. The walk back down Belden had alot “green” coverage. I enjoyed the larger trees scattered around the sidewalks and next to luxury houses. There was grass along the whole walk between the street and sidewalk. There were large trees along Belden that I didn’t see on Fullerton.
The walk got me to notice more about my surrounding area but not much. I normally would walk to class along Belden because it is a quieter and more scenic view than walking down Fullerton.
When I walk along the “greener path” I feel more relaxed and comfortable. I get out of the frantic of everyday life and can relax.
On a daily basis I interact with nature because of its impact on my mood. I enjoy looking away from the buildings and concrete to the trees and other natural organisms.
I think my walk was more like Kuo’s article. I feel that nice homes of Lincoln Park contributed to a sense of communityI felt. There were kids playing outdoors, neighbors conversing, and I felt very safe. Muir’s article reminded me of when I travel to my cabin in northern Michigan, where I really enjoy the outdoors and relax in the beauty surrounding me there.
The first writing I read by Kuo talked about how “greenness” of an inner-city neighborhood can have a positive effect on the community. The article talked about how more trees and grass would lead to more active kids, less civil disturbances, and the residents to feel safer in their own community and numerous other benefits. The second article by Muir talked of the beauty of nature. The man went on an overnight hike into the canyon and he talks of the beauty of nature.
Naturalist Essay
Courtney Carlstrom
Environmental Science Paper
Every morning I try to go for a run outside if weather permits. I have a five-mile route both downtown and in Barrington (the suburb I live in) in which I try to do six days a week. Because I was home over the weekend, I chose to write about the route in Barrington. I can not even count the amount of times I have ran this route, however, I have never really noticed my natural surroundings due to the fact that my ipod is usually blasting. I also tend to get lost in my head and thoughts while I run. I thought it would be interesting to look at something I am so immune to in a different aspect, which is why I chose to write about this specific route. I left my ipod at home, left my house, and began my run.
My warm up is a walk down my street, I live in the town of Barrington where homes are average sized, and houses are relatively close together. There are many trees down my street and the grass on everyone’s property is well kept. I thought about how Kuo made the connection of trees and a friendly neighborhood. I would say that my neighborhood is relatively friendly. I saw kids playing outside while on my run, which was another thing that Kuo spoke about. The scenery that consumed the majority of my run was homes, trees, grass, and flowers. There is a pond in Barrington that I ran passed as well, however, it is not very large. It was nice taking notice of my surroundings and really just appreciating the area I live in while I was out for my run.
After I cam home from my run I thought about how I think about nature and how nature interacts with me on a daily basis. I looked in my backyard and saw an arrangement of bushes, trees, and even still flowers (at this time of the year). I realized that when I wake up in the morning, the fact that I wake up to such a beautiful area is something that automatically puts me in a good mood. I really began to appreciate how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful town as far as nature goes. I know that when I am active outside, I am generally in a better mood than when I stay indoors.
Growing up, we lived by the Fox Lake, so playing games with the other neighborhood kids are memories that fill my mind when referring back to my childhood. Being able to enjoy the outdoors is something that almost shaped me growing up. I thought about how my life would be different if I did not have the privilege of being raised in an area surrounded by well-kept nature. I think the perspective I have on live in general would be different and less creative. I almost feel like a child who can’t play outside or at least enjoy the view of a natural landscapes life must be dull or sad. Just having the ability do to things and be active outdoors is something that has presented itself throughout my life and how I have always interacted with nature.
I think that my interaction with nature was more like the writing of Kuo. For some reason, I kept making references of his study while on my walk. I immediately connected the smile on my neighbor’s faces to the trees and green area. I would say that my experience was more similar to the writing of Kuo than Muir. I found Muir’s writing to be descriptive more than actually looking at the social effect that nature has. Overall I thought it was extremely interesting to take a moment and reflect on how my natural surroundings affect me and the life I live.
Naturalist Essay.
Overall, I felt that my nature commute was somewhat of a combination between the informational, scientific writings of Frances Kuo and the naturalist, artistic writings of John Muir. On one hand, Muir adhered to a more philosophical approach to observing nature. In addition to his creative observations of nature, Muir also stated that “there is an all manufactures of Nature something essentially coarse which can and must be eradicated by human culture” (Muir 27), which encouraged the interaction of human culture with Nature. On the other hand, Kuo focused on the relationship between urban communities and the presence of trees in a more concrete method as opposed to Muir.
In saying this, I learned that it is necessary to observe your environmental surroundings from more than one perspective. And in turn, human culture can and must maintain a relationship with Nature in order to contribute to the health of our biological and social ecosystem in Chicago.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Naturalist Essay
My nature walk
Naturalis Essay - Katie Fraser
ENV 101-102
Sept. 20 2009
Naturalist Essay
For my nature walk I chose to walk from my neighborhood, Wrigleyville, to North Avenue Beach. I walked east on Waveland to Halsted, then walked south on Halsted till North, then walked east again towards the lake.
Along my walk I was exposed to many different elements of nature. While walking through my neighborhood there was grass that lined the sidewalks as well as many trees. This continued while walking through Lincoln Park. I also passed Oz Park which is a large area of grassy fields. When at the beach I was exposed to the sand and water of the lake shore. Even while walking down the more urbanized part of Halsted I was exposed to elements like the sun and wind. Originally, I intended just to walk down to the lake from my house, which would have given me little differentiation, since there is no beach or many dilapidated buildings, so I am glad I changed my route so I could experience many different settings.
While on my walk there were a few things that significantly stood out to me, that I may have missed on any normal day. One major thing that I noticed was how much it was beginning to feel like fall. I took a greater interest in the colors of the leaves on the trees around my house and I noticed many more of them on the ground. I also noticed how early it got dark as I made my way back, and how while it was a warm day the temperature dropped drastically at dusk, which happens around fall. While at the beach, I also took note how it was still such a beautiful day to be outside, but that there was a bitter sweetness to the day as it was most likely the last beach day of the year. It was fall, as the sun didn't stay very high for very long and offered less heat while up.
I also took more notice of the drastic change that takes place on Halsted. While walking from Wrigleyville to Lincoln Park many streets are lined with trees and grass. Eventually one will run into Oz Park, which is made up of fields as well as playgrounds and baseball fields. However, after Armitage till about North Avenue, there is hardly any of this. The streets become more worn and there are significantly more buildings. These buildings also look more rugged and beat up. This remains until one hits Old Town, which is right at North Avenue. I actually passed a playground that was all on cement and thought about how different it was from the one a few blocks north at Oz Park.
While at the beach I took much more notice to the trash in the beach. While it is generally a well taken care of beach, I did find cigarette butts, beer caps, and glass in the sand. From a glance, the beach looks taken care of, but upon further inspection one can see that it isn’t. When I pass the beach I generally don’t think about the trash hidden underneath the sand, I usually just long to be lying out under the sun enjoying the last few rays of summer. I found that this remained true even when I was aware of the trash. With the trash in the sand, I still thought about how fortunate I am to live in a city that offers such beautiful lakeshore community property for its residents.
I enjoyed this walk because I generally don't think too much about the nature around me. The most prominent way I view the nature around me is in the weather. The weather affects me greatly as I use public transportation and walk places. I have a love/hate relationship with it. While I like it to be sunny and warm, I curse when it’s too hot because I get sweaty and my hair gets messy. I also dislike it when it rains, but enjoy the coolness it offers. I like when it cools down, but I always wish I could slow the coming of winter. I can say, however, that during the summer and the first few weekends that I have been back in the city, and it is beautiful outside, I often feel guilty for sitting inside. I try and make myself go for a walk or at least sit outside. This summer especially every spare minute I had would be spent outside if it were nice. Since I worked a lot and wasn’t able to be outside as much as I wanted to, I would often sit in my back yard and read if there was no other way to be outside. That way I could at least catch the last few rays before the sun set after work, or I could be outside without having to go to the beach alone. When I moved back I began to take my roommates dog for walks in order to be outside. I enjoyed being able to be outside this Saturday, when I did my walk, because I didn’t want to feel as if I was missing out on one of the last summer days.
When I actually am immersed in nature, that is go outside because I want to spend time outside, my feelings about nature don’t necessarily change, but my emotions do. I tend to be a lot more relaxed. On those gorgeous sunny days when I sit in the quad and listen to music, or take a walk, I feel like I’m the only one experiencing the moment. That the day, and the sun, are all mine. I feel as though I am savoring something special. Some moment of my life, whether it is soaking up summer vacation or just one more moment of my life in Chicago, it’s something that will stay with me, something I can be nostalgic about come fall.. I am happy and relaxed, and feel as though I am truly thinking and living rather than getting bogged down by things I feel I should be thinking about or should be doing. It is a healthy way to forget.
While I would classify my interactions with nature as more of a Muir perspective, this particular walk matched Kuo’s writings more. Kuo discusses more about the social aspect that trees and nature can bring to a community. I found this to be very true in my neighborhood. Kuo uses trees as an example of a entity that a community can revolve around. While the area I live in does have a good amount of trees for a city neighborhood, and they do play a part in the social aspect of Wrigleyville, I don’t think they created the community. I view Wrigley Field as one of the main reasons that Wrigelyville has such a strong sense of community and feeling of safety. However, because of this sense of community, trees, bushes and grass were planted, which only furthered this feeling of a “defensible place,” as Kuo says.
Since my neighborhood has nice grassy areas, many people are out on the weekends, or nice days, running or jogging. I see the sense of “casual social contact” (p4 Kuo) that Kuo talks about when people run with their dogs and others stop to pet them. There are brief interactions simply because one cannot ignore all the people around, especially during Cubs games.
Kuo also dicusses how bringing trees to neighborhoods makes residents feel like it is a shared space and they have some part in it. Thus, they want to take better care of it. I see this with Wrigely, as no one wants to be the person who vandalized the field. I also see this sense of protection that Kuo claims trees bring. He says that once the space feels communal, people often tend to be more on the lookout for strangers. I see this in my neighborhood because many people are out late at night too making it harder for strangers to do harm, and the field is constantly being monitored.
I also saw this when I was on Halsted. The area that I walked through that had very few trees, also seemed to be an area that wasn’t taken care of. The buildings seemed more run down, I mentioned the concrete park, and it was definitely an area I wouldn’t want to be in after dark.
Kuo’s writings wouldn’t generally correlate to how I view nature, as I have mentioned before. His writings were a in-depth look at other studies done about how trees impacted neighborhoods, and then a discussion on what that means for urbanized areas. This piece was more scientifically based and from a more logical place. Muir’s writings were very much from an emotional place. Muir writes with a literary style, very narrative like, where he describes vivid nature scenes and the his reactions to the world around him. He isn’t picking apart individual pieces of nature and studying the effects, like Kuo, he is exploring the grandeur of it all. Yet, both paint an equally interesting picture of the effect nature can have on human beings.
nature walk
I chose to take a forty-five minute walk around my apartment in Lincoln Park. It was an opportunity for me to familiarize myself with the new neighborhood and encounter “nature”. While I was on my walk, I passed several trees and patches of grass but nothing too spectacular. I also saw shrubbery and a small tomato garden. One apartment had a little flower garden that was filled with exotic flowers. While I was taking this walk, I noticed that there were many stores and apartments but a few number of trees. My neighborhood had a couple flower and fruit garden, but besides the few gardens in people’s yards, there were none anywhere else. The roads and sidewalks were surrounded by a couple grass patches and/or rock patches. The article really opened my eyes to urban “nature”. When I think about nature I picture fields of flowers and forest filled with trees. I imagine a serene and beautiful place. However, when I am outside “in” nature, I get a reality check. I realize that the images I have can only be seen in certain places. I also realize that nature has changed and that it is slowly but surely diminishing. In urban areas especially, the beauty of nature that I imagine in my head is very much different from what I see everyday while walking to class. I interact with nature when I run at the birds that are sitting in a bush, or when I play at a park. Nature interacts with me on a daily basis by the weather outside. Sometimes the weather will be nice and sunny and other days it’ll be dark and rainy. I also interact with nature on a daily basis when I breathe. The trees and plants create oxygen for me to breathe in and my body creates carbon dioxide for the plants when I breathe out. Nature and I interact in many ways that I don’t even know. However, there are times when I interact with nature in bad ways. An example could be when I liter or when I pick flowers. I destroy nature and prevent it from doing what it needs to do. I believe my nature walk described Kuo’s writing because he describes nature in urban areas. I have witnessed firsthand what green space can do for people. I live in Naperville, IL and both my neighbors and I have yards and we have come to be good friends. I do believe it is because of the yard and the activities our families do outside that allows for us to interact with one another. However, in my apartment in the city, there is no yard or green space, and this has prevented me from getting to know any of the neighbors. I do not talk with any of them and I have no opportunity to really interact with any of them. The walk around my neighborhood helped me to reflect on Kuo’s writing about the importance of green space. The difference between Kuo’s writing and Muir’s writing was that Kuo describes and proves the importance of green space and nature in urban areas. While Muir is writing about a beautiful scenic environment. He is telling a story, whereas, Kuo is writing a research paper on the benefits of green space. It is two different writing styles and both authors are talking about two different environments. However, they both are talking about nature and the positive things that it brings to the earth. Overall, the readings opened up my eyes to nature that I had never really considered. I learned a lot and am now more observant when walking to class.
The two writings were so different because of how each of the authors was looking at nature. While Muir’s writings were heartfelt and almost poetic, Kuo’s-while obviously advocating the importance of nature and greenery-was scientific. I found my walk to be more similar to Kuo’s writings because even though nature is all around, one can’t help but be aware of the concrete paths and buildings around. While this park seems to be urban ecology at its finest, one does not get the same euphorial sense of nature that they may get in a different setting.
Because nature affects us everyday, I don’t think that the walk really changed the way I look at it. I like to think that I am a very aware person and a socially conscious person, so I do see what nature offers us and try to appreciate that every day. It seems like a silly, “tree-hugger” way of thinking but, I know that it is important to respect our resources and value nature in order to ensure its livelihood fir the future. And although the area that I walked through may have been constructed, it is nonetheless, an urban natural habitat, home to many different species.
Today I took a jog along the Lake Michigan lakeshore. While I was running, I tried to be more aware than usual of my surroundings. I took out my headphones and analyzed the nature I encountered on my hour run. It was a beautiful sunny day, mid-afternoon, so there were a lot of people out on the trail. People of all ages and socio-economic statuses surrounded me; rollerblading, biking, and running. The nature I encountered was obviously man-made. The grass was not naturally grown, there were construction signs in the water, and overflowing garbage cans of dog poo surrounded the dog park. The only animals I saw besides the dogs were squirrels and seagulls.
The nature I encounter on a daily basis is very similar to the experience I had on my jog. I am constantly walking past parks that seem natural but are in fact man-made, and surrounded by garbage cans and litter. On the other hand, I live in Lincoln Park, and the benefit of living in such a wealthy area is how well the natural surroundings are kept. It is an urban area and some things just can’t be helped, but I feel very lucky on a day-today basis to be able to live in a neighborhood that is well cared for.
I would compare this particular interaction with nature more with Kuo’s writing, although it had some aspects of both. This is because Kuo wrote more about the reasons behind and causes of what he saw. As I was running I contemplated why I saw the things I did, in particular in relation to my urban atmosphere. I saw graffiti on the side of a bridge because the space I was running past was less taken care of, a result of a lower-income neighborhood. As I continued on the path and entered more wealthy areas the trees became more plentiful and the surroundings appeared cleaner. However, I genuinely enjoyed the nature I did encounter, specifically the lake, which identifies more with Muir’s writing. Granted, I am from Minnesota, and if this assignment had taken place there, my answer might have been weighted more heavily on the side of Muir, because the natural environment in Minnesota is more pristine. But I constantly find myself appreciating the environment of Chicago, and the differences it provides from my hometown.
Naturalist Essay Rima Alsammarae
I begin to notice how green the grass I’m stepping on is. Not a single yard in Oak Brook is unkempt; with built in sprinklers that are managed by a timer attached to the side of the house, most yards remain exceedingly green. The clouds above me cast grey shadows that compliment the greenness of the grass. The familiar scent of the wind graces my mind with old memories of meeting up with close friends in the nighttime. As I cross into a second neighbor’s yard, I see a family gathered in the kitchen. I don’t spend much time crossing their lawn, but I notice a small rabbit to my left waiting motionless. I pause momentarily assuming he or she will run in the opposite direction. I slowly put my hands in my pockets; it has been months since I’ve seen any animal other than alley rodents and squirrels. Seeing as rabbits are extremely timid creatures, I’m surprised at its calmness and patience. I step forward cautiously. Nothing. This particular one has posted itself as though its feet are cemented in the soil. I pick up my pace again and I am finally near my destination.
As I get closer, I see familiar homes that I used to pass on past getaways- familiar landscapes, vehicles and oil stains on driveways. I look beyond a child’s playhouse and a swarm of insects. There it is, my old friend – the bridge. ‘The bridge’ is a grand name my friends and I gave to a tiny overpass that connects two neighborhoods. It’s built over a comparatively large pond which houses thousands upon thousands of fish, insects and plants. I can hear thunder in the distance and realize my visit to an old friend will have to be cut short.
As I take time to stand there over the water throwing rocks into the pond I realize that most my interactions with nature are interactions with what we’ve turned nature into. I normally live in the city of Chicago and while I walk most everywhere I need to go, the scenery is colored by midrise buildings, skyscrapers, and fenced in apartment complexes. The wind in the city usually only graces my senses with the smell of car exhaust and palpable humidity. The dogs on the street are mild and domesticated. Even in the suburbs, the most authentic interaction I experienced today was that between the rabbit and I. It was barely the size of my forearm yet this engagement felt foreign and unprecedented.
Between the two readings, my experience was more akin to Muir’s writing. However, I argue that because my experience was nothing like Kuo’s approach to nature. Muir’s was less scientifically based and while I took note of what I saw, I suppose one could say that my walk was more emotional than analytical.
This walk left me feeling a slight disconnect between whatever is left of nature and myself. As I walked back towards my house I starred from across my neighbor’s lawn at the Willow trees in my back yard. They’ve grown to tremendous heights, reaching the third level of my house. As I starred at them, the rain began. Slow at first, the rain picked up and the willow trees began to dance, maybe I haven’t totally alienated nature yet, perhaps it truly is all around.
Naturalist Essay- Cora Marquez
Naturalist Essay
I decided to walk down a pathway that leads down to Lake Michigan. Living in Chicago, one might think there would not be a lot of nature but I encountered trees, plants, grass, dirt, birds and many bugs. I rarely take walks around the city. Usually, I am in a rush to get to class, work or home so I never take the time to study my surroundings and the nature that is included in it. On this particular walk, I did take the time to look around myself and was disappointed at all of the litter that I saw. People carelessly throw paper, wrappers and cigarette buts right on the ground. I rarely notice all of this litter but I did today.
I enjoy all the nature that surrounds me. I always feel revitalized when I am outside in nature. I love breathing in the fresh air and soaking up the sun. I feel healthier when I am outside in nature as opposed to cramped up in my apartment.
Nature interacts with me immensely on a daily basis. My moods are affected a lot by the weather. I am usually much happier if the weather is nice outside. I enjoy the sunshine and I feel like nature comes to life when the weather is nice instead of cloudy and rainy. The trees seem greener and there are animals out and about. When it is cloudy or rainy nature always seems dismal. Everything is grey and the trees and animals don’t seem as lively. When the weather is bad my mood changes; sometimes I get a little sad because of it.
I went on my walk after reading Kuo’s writing and I was thinking about his work a lot so I think my walk was more like the interaction described in his writing. I noticed how the trees were planted in the ground and how man-made they look. There is a perfect cut hole for the trunk of the tree and there are big metal grates surrounding the trees. I always wondered why these trees were even planted, but after reading Kuo’s writing I understand. The trees were planted to make the neighborhoods look nicer and to hopefully make people have more pleasant interactions with each other, according to Kuo’s study. I agree that the trees do just that, and it is nice to see them planted around my neighborhood.
Kuo’s writing was an actual study that was performed about trees and their effect on people and neighborhoods whereas Muir’s writing was a narrative describing nature using various metaphors.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Naturalist Essay
This weekend I decided to take a walk on a path that leads to a park near my house. In the beginning of my walk I encountered a lot of beautiful flowers and trees. The trees were all very big and it showed how long they had been growing here. I saw small animals such as rabbits, birds, and squirrels. On occasion if I’m lucky I even see groups of deer by the edge of the forest. At the beginning of the path the grass was a healthy shade of green and thick. However, as the path progressed the grass was damaged, yellow, and covered with weeds. There was garbage that people left all over the grass even though there are numerous garbage cans throughout the path. I noticed how careless people can be, they are ruining a beautiful park by throwing trash all over the place. That is the main reason I don’t enjoy walking on this path anymore, it used to be clean and relaxing but now all I can see is how much it has changed. As I progressed down the path I also noticed prairie grass and cornfields. When I normally walk throughout this path I don’t notice how much garbage is all over the place and how the scenery changes, as I get farther down the path. This is mostly because I walk my dog and only walk about five minutes into the path. I believe the beginning of the path is so clean, organized, and beautiful because my neighborhood is very nice and people don’t want their property or their location to be ugly or disgusting. As the path progresses the houses become apartment complexes and people start to become more careless about the land around them. When I look out my window at home I love nature because it looks flawless and perfect but when I am in nature I find myself becoming disappointed by the conditions of it. The grass is damaged because of what people have done to it and the air has even changed. People don’t pick up after their dogs and the air has a horrible stench.
I feel that everyone treats with nature on a daily basis whether they notice it or not because we breathe in the air, walk to school/work, use natural resources to live every single day. The urban life obviously has a different impact than the suburban life because of he amount of people and the way people get to work or school. I find the suburbs to be quieter and nature is more noticeable while in the city the buildings and rush of the city almost over shadow nature.
My interaction in nature was more like the interaction described in “A Geologist’s Winter Walk” by John Muir. I liked how he described the animals in their habitat and the way he wrote it I could picture myself there. He describes nature in a way unobstructed by buildings and manmade objects.
The two writings differ because they are each taking a different approach on nature. One focuses on the urban lifestyle with nature surrounding it while the other talks about the animals in their natural habitat.
Naturalist Essay
I chose to take my walk on a route that I usually use for my daily run, but this time I paid attention to my surroundings and nature which I never do during my runs. I came across many different types of nature while on my walk. Whether it was different types of trees, birds, or small mammals I notices a lot of things that I usually would have just blocked out. There were large trees overhanging Graceland Cemetery which was followed by much smaller ones on the grassy area in the park at the corner of Seminary and Irving Park. There were kinds playing in the park and birds chirping away, and it was hard not to notice all the squirrels running up the trees.
My feelings don’t really change while I’m outside in nature but the walk was sort of calming and peaceful, almost a get away from the hectic normal life. I feel that I interact with nature instead of nature interacting with me. I am able to interact through sounds and smells that are given off by nature; whether it is from animals, flowers, trees, or the smell of rain nature always has something humans can interact with.
I felt that my walk was more consistent with the piece I read by Frances Kuo. In his writing he made it seem that humans interact will nature the more appealing it is. For example, Kuo believes that the more green spaces outdoors is directly coordinated to human’s social interaction. I felt this exact way while on my walk, when trees and large green spaces were present I was able to see that there were more people around interacting. Whether it was little kids playing at the park, or people walking their dogs, the presence or green made for more social interaction. On the other hand I also felt that my walk was consistent with John Muir because his views consisted of the fact that humans should be grateful for everything that nature has to offer. I feel that nature is there for humans to use as long as they respect it. The only problem I have with Muir’s writing is I feel that he felt that humans were out to disrupt nature, while Kuo felt that it is necessary for humans and nature to coexist.

The nature I encountered was pathetic, and was only met when I took a wrong turn and got lost. As I tried to re route I noticed I was walking beside a wired gate that was mostly covered by a dark net. Behind the blocked wall was an unkempt and littered space. Aside from the obvious bottles and cans, the city was also using the space for damaged road blockers and traffic signs. I think the space I came across was the most interesting I had seen that day. Here was a native space where trees grew on their own and where natural grass struggled to grow but yet, not one thing was being done to benefit the area.
This walk and realization was depressing. Up until now, I had lived in New England for my entire life so the Fall season is the time of year where nature is most obvious. The fact that you can actually watch the process of the season change is astonishing and the lack of that sense in my life for the past two years is upsetting. But in my experiences with nature in New England and in Chicago I am able to recognize the differences in a city and can appreciate the effort being made to maintain nature anywhere in it.
My feelings toward nature changes with my location. For example, my feelings for my everyday routine in the nature I am most used to stays neutral and unthought-of. But if I am in a place like the Pocono Mountains or Vermont (where you are so visibly immersed in nature), my feelings in that environment are more appreciated and enjoyed. Where I interact with nature by living in and respecting a space, nature interacts with me by providing essential resources like oxygen and food.
The Kuo and Muir articles were different in that Kuo focused more on the cause and effect actions within an urban space while Muir wrote to depict the beauty of an submerged natural space. My walk around Wicker Park was more relatable to Kuo’s findings in ‘The Role of Arboriculture in a Healthy Social Ecology’. One point in particular was the ‘Sense of Safety’. He argues that the nature of trees provides city residents with a greater sense of security. Specifically stating that, “ individuals living adjacent to greener common spaces reported that they felt both safer and better adjusted than did their counterparts living adjacent to relatively barren spaces (152).” I noticed this on my walk and felt that the unkempt and non artificial spaces that I passed was resultant to a more dangerous area. I found that when I tripped and cut my toe, I was most concerned with which disease the nature of Wicker Park would give me. Furthermore, I would feel differently in Lincoln Park. There are trees planted everywhere, the parks are very much maintained and if I had cut my toe in Lincoln Park I would be less concerned with the possible diseases that could come my way.
Naturalist Essay
Nature has always sat differently with me, sometimes it’s my best friend, but other times it is not. Growing up in the Northwest suburbs of Illinois has given me a very unique view on nature when compared to those who live in any other area on Earth, rural or urban. I walked from River North to Oak Street beach and back last week, a walk that I’ve traveled many times before. Knowing that I walked to the beach many times in the past, I didn’t think I would see anything new about nature, I was half wrong.
I’ve always noticed the birds hopping on the sidewalk, the pigeons pecking at trash, but since reading over Kuo’s article I noticed what she was explaining while on my walk. River North is filled with trees, but the Gold Coast has even more greenery which I noticed. This neighborhood has very expensive sidewalk gardens down Michigan Avenue, with tall trees and gorgeous plants, stores and restaurants have planters, little flowers, and mini-trees all contributing to bringing nature where it fits. I even walked past my favorite park in the Gold Coast on Rush and Chestnut, which has massive trees which adds natural beauty to the city.
Noting that these wealthy neighborhoods have plentiful trees, bushes, and flowers certainly connects with what Frances Kuo writes in The Role of Arboriculture in a Healthy Social Ecology. Kuo writes in a modern time, using English that is easier to understand and uses scientific facts that were intriguing and noticeable on my walk. John Muir on the other hand, had more observations on nature instead of science, which had me drift away from his dated and confusing writing, leaving me with the relationship Kuo had on my naturalistic walk. I agree with her knowledge that adding trees and open green spaces helps people in neighborhoods gain strength in social ties and community by utilizing these places in nature. Strengthening these social ties makes the community stronger and more willing to help one another, which causes a decrease in crime; notable in the Gold Coast and River North. These neighborhoods are inviting for people to spend time outside, shop down Michigan Avenue under the green trees on the sidewalk, or eat outside under canopies gated in by beautiful potted plants and flowers.
I noticed that places in these neighborhoods are much more inviting if minor landscaping or greenery is abundant, and it has certainly allured me into joining nature outside at time. I like to sit in the sun and warm days, and listen to the rain fall during stormy nights, but I also love seeing and feeling what Frances Kuo has noted in her article. Nature is always affecting my life; it affects me as a student, an employee, and a human being, living hand in hand with nature and its surprises.
Naturalist Essay
For my nature walk I decided to go to one of my favorite spots in the city: The Eagle, located at the center of the Logan Square neighborhood. The Eagle is one massive statue that hovers above the neighborhood and is located right by the Logan Square blue line. My experience had consisted of me walking down the Logan Square Boulevard. The nature that I had encountered on my trip was still apparent despite the fact that the surrounding setting was that of an urban landscape. Down the boulevard there were trees and much of the area was covered by grass however the areas that were not were being used up by cement and/or cement-like structures and even for housing. The wild-life that had inhabited the area were basic animals that one would expect to encounter in an urban setting. It ranged from squirrels, pigeons, and several dogs, however, these canines were domesticated by the people that lived in the region. Along with the variety of animals present, there were also several people out and about. The only difference that had stuck out was that there was an organic food market taking place right by the statue itself, however this was nothing different due to the fact that it took place every weekend, but through a daily basis perspective it was a change of scenery. As for the feelings I had towards the nature around me, they were somewhat mixed. I did find it relaxing because of the fact that it was a comfortable setting that I had known for all of my life. However, I also found it aggravating because there were many people walking around and I felt like being secluded for the time being. What with the food market along with the people walking their dogs, there was not much room for my seclusion. I interact with nature in the sense that I can determine its upheaval or demise by the actions I take: the more water bottles I use, the place where I throw my trash, even the places that I walk on can determine the survival of the grass or plants that are present. The relationship that nature has with me is one that relaxes me. As stated earlier, there were too many people present for me to enjoy the experience to the level that I wanted to.
The experience was relatable to the interactions of both authors. I did enjoy what amount of nature that was present in the area however I did pick up the technicalities involved with the urban environment. The birds swooping down and the squirrels climbing up the trees I had always enjoyed and found intriguing for some reason and yet I also picked up the relationship among people and the ways they have left an impact in the area. People had left a mark, be a negative or positive one, which is almost artificial. Right at the center of the neighborhood was a massive statue and going east on the boulevard are long strips of grass and trees, although natural in essence, were placed there by humans, making it artificial in a way. The two authors, I felt, differed greatly mainly due to the amount of actual nature they had come across. Muir’s had walked all along an environment that had little if any human involvement, where as Kuo had settled in a location where everything seemed more artificial and carefully planned. In Muir’s experience it had seemed as if everything just came together on its own, while in Kuo’s it would appear as if everything had a design behind it.
Naturalist Essay
The soccer field is covered with extremely lush green grass, at the edge of the field starts the marshy land where tall grasses dominate the terrain and we know fish are present because when we have heavy rains that flood the field, the fish swim out onto it. Many trees line the edges of the marsh land and among the tall grasses are flowers that flourish in the water, have no clue as to what they are called, and as the trail continues the land gets dry and the prairie begins. The prairie looks very desolate to me as the tall grass here is a lot drier, characterized by its golden color and not much else is present besides dirt. The last portion of the walk is dominated with the view of the miniature forest which has many trees, as one would assume, alongside different types of flowers, cute tiny purple and white ones, dandelions, and although I am not sure if they are flowers but these brown ball like flowers that stick to your clothing when you throw them. The forest contains many birds, as their beautiful singing is clearly heard and we have had sightings of coyotes and foxes. I then conclude my walk at the creek, where the water is crystal clean and I can always see schools of little fish swimming around in between the pebbles and rocks and as my little cousin Gabe showed me, frogs are abundant.
This trail is always a pleasure to take a walk on offering much tranquility but I have noticed that there is a lot more trash lying around here and there and especially the creek. I am assuming that this is due to the fact that over the summer we have had a lot more people visit the park and trail, as every summer. This is really upsetting because I see that the people leaving this trash around are teenagers and adolescents proving that their either disregarding what they are told or are taught the wrong thing. I cannot say that I am extremely in tune with nature, meaning I cannot name all the flowers, trees and types of birds I see on my walk but I do enjoy the outdoors and I care for the environment I am in by not littering, recycling and not destroying nature. I believe that I must care for the nature that interacts with me, the nature that offers me peace and a place to play and enjoy my outdoor activities. My family and I spend a lot of time outside, having picnics, cook outs, and playing sports and so we care for it. According to Kuo’s article nature, let alone the presence of trees, has an extremely positive effect on communities and I believe that this account holds true in my neighborhood simply by seeing the amount of people who use the trail and park and the conversations sparked due to the common time spent. My walk I would say is like the interaction described by both Kuo and Muir because Kuo made me aware of the social implications of nature and Muir simply gives ode to nature and the spiritual and calming effect that it has on its observers. I find that the two authors are more alike than different because they are not opposing each other but rather they coincide. The only difference is the way that these authors approach nature, Kuo with a scientific approach displaying the good effect that nature has on people and communities besides making it look pretty and, Muir with an artistic approach displaying the natural beauty of nature and how simply viewing it, wondering about it, and discovering it is good for the person inspiring awe and an awareness of our surroundings.
The Naturalist
I enjoy walking around my neighborhood especially at night because I feel safe. For the first time in a while on this walk I heard insects making quite a bit of noise. I even thought that the Cicadas were back in town; that’s how much buzzing there was in the trees. Hearing the insects calms me. It beats listening to brothers and sisters yell at each other, cry, and complain. Luckily, I didn’t feel like I was being attacked by mosquitoes on my walk. I would have to say overall this summer there were not many mosquitoes causing a nuisance. I would prefer the sound of nature over the touch of nature. On my walk, my sense of hearing was playing a role in relaxing and thinking about the world around me. I wonder if the noise of the insects was from them mating amongst one another or not. On the other hand, are the insects fighting with each other or trying to get someone’s attention?
Every day nature affects me in different ways. On the days I have school I pray it won’t rain or even snow during the winter because it makes my commute a little more aggravating. The weather has a huge impact on if I need my rain boots, snow boots, an umbrella, or a winter coat. The constant change in weather leaves me on my toes when planning what I will wear to school. In addition, going to and from work I pass a forest and see deer on the side of the road all the time. It’s so neat to see a deer close to the edge of the road with the beautiful forest back drop behind it. However, at night I drive as fast as I can to get away from the forest because I am petrified of hitting a deer. The deer have this street interrupting their home, and it’s awful to think the deer might get hit because the department of transportation has invaded the animals’ privacy in the forest. I should probably slow down so if a deer or any other animal is in the middle of the street I have room to stop. Nature is everywhere! Whether it is the weather, the food we grow in the backyard, the football fields the team plays on, or the trees and animals around us, nature will continue to be there. Hopefully, people start thinking about the nature around them and attempt to protect it.
I read the articles “The Role of Arboriculture in a Healthy Social Ecology” by Frances E. Kuo and “A Geologist’s Winter Walk” by John Muir prior to walking outdoors. I learned from Kuo that physical features in nature have a social impact on communities. Physical features like plants and trees are welcoming and invite people to be with one another to build a stronger sense of community. In case of crisis, the friendships people have built will come into play if there is a crime or need for help. Muir’s setting in the beautiful mountain ranges was so persuasive. Unfortunately, I can not think of one place in Illinois that will make me feel so healthy and alive like it continues to do for Muir. When reading his article I thought about the cold winter and beautiful mountains in Colorado. Every one should be able to experience this nature; the nature that isn’t masked with cars, schools, and homes.
After reading both pieces, I was jealous I couldn’t connect with Muir’s piece. Of course it sounded like the perfect place, but I have never had that kind of experience. Instead, I thought Kuo’s article was similar to my walk through the south suburbs. Physical features really make homes look special and meaningful; at least, more pleasant than homes that have no landscape. I would be scared to walk up to a house that had no plants and appeared run down versus a house that has beautiful plants that people take the time to water. Nature’s physical features definitely have an impact on me being more open to my community. I love taking walks with fifteen foot trees protecting me. If I really had to I could even hide behind a bush or a group of trees if I had to. Scenery is very welcoming, and definitely creates a friendly atmosphere.
Naturalist Essay
Walking down these residential areas, I hear birds chirping and walking on the ground, possibly looking for food. I also observe squirrels running through lawns. I see the green of the lawns and hear the rustling of leaves. Some houses have different colored flowers, which attract butterflies!
I usually don’t pay much attention to the lawns, but on my walk, the green color seemed to be brighter than usual. I also noticed a lot more squirrels than I usually see. It is easy to take trees for granted but I did appreciate the shadows they created.
I would not pay much attention to the nature around me since I did not really think there was much nature. Now, I can see that nature is everywhere, even in the city. Nature interacts with me every day, mostly when birds release their waste on my car. I interact with nature when I relax underneath a big, wide tree.
My walk was more like Kuo’s writing, but with some Muir in it. While I did not have to hurdle over rocks and climb dangerous hills/mountains, I did enjoy my walk through “nature”. Living in a huge urban area, we must appreciate and take care of the limited green areas we have. My “nature” was green lawns and big trees, and not the middle of nowhere area that Muir was in. Kuo’s and Muir’s writings were different in that the first is a scholarly and scientific article, while the second is a descriptive narrative of an event. Muir is describing his love for nature and his surroundings, while Kuo is observing and testing the effect of green areas in urban locations. However, Kuo also explores urbanites’ positive feelings towards nature.
Naturalist Essay By Meaghan Dries
For my nature walk I chose to go to Waterfall Glen, a forest preserve. I chose this place because I have walked, hiked, and biked through it many times before. The nature that I encountered is a bit more diverse than my every day activities. There are the usual prairie grasses and flowers along the walking paths that serve as homes to small animals like squirrels and chipmunks that one can occasionally see scurrying by. The walking paths also are surrounded by tall trees whose canopies filter the sun’s light creating shady areas. As I continued down the paths there are small ravines that drop into a creek where one can usually spot small frogs and fish in the water. Following the creek, I came upon the waterfall that the preserve is named for. It is a small water fall that is surrounded by rocks that have turned green from the algae and such. If you go during the right time of year there are usually ducks and geese that play and cool off in the water.
This experience with nature is much different than my day to day encounters. Usually I am on the go and do not pay attention to the nature that I cross paths with. But being in a forest preserve with nothing but time gave me the opportunity to pay attention to aspects of nature that I generally would overlook. I noticed more animals and their tracks on my walk than I would have noticed normally. I was surrounded by trees and plants on my walk which gave me a feeling of being immersed in nature. Usually I see trees and fields on an everyday basis but the same kind of immersion feeling never hits me. In my day to day life I do not think that I appreciate nature the same way as I do when I am camping or spending the day in a preserve. I realize that I tend to overlook or ignore that nature that I am accustomed to seeing and that I should make an effort to pay closer attention to the nature that surrounds me.
The writings by Muir and Kuo were stylistically different. Kuo’s article was much more scientific discussing how green space and trees can change and environment and the ways that people interact with each other and their environment. I found this to be true on my walk because there were many families and couples that seemed to be taking time out of their everyday lives to walk or bike together. The preserve seemed to be a good medium through which positive socialization can and does take place, and as Kuo points out this could be because of the invitingness of the green space and trees. Muir’s article on the other hand, seemed more like an archived play by play of his personal encounters with nature and all the different aspects that he attends to and notices. This was similar to my thoughts as I walked through the preserve because I found myself thinking about the plants, animals and scenery that I was encountering and paying closer attention to the details. The way the trees swayed in the wind, and the sounds of the water trickling down the rocks of the waterfall.
Nature Essay
The beginning of my walk was rather sparse in terms of nature. There are some trees on North Avenue, but these are the thin little ones that make one remember how out of place they seem next to the giant buildings. As I got closer to the beach, I also began to approach my neighborhood from last year. The area is farther east towards the lake and heavily covered with trees. The interesting thing about this neighborhood is that along with affluent homes in the area, there are several Section 8 housing buildings. Now, I found it ironic after reading Kuo's article how comfortable I had become in this area. A few minutes south on Sedgewick past Division, one will come across a sparse view of what remains of the Cabrini Green housing development. Looking a bit farther west, there are more empty lots along with another decrepit public housing building on Halsted. Naturally, the weed filled lots, abused buildings, and open space does not make me feel comfortable at all, but it is not like my old neighborhood was perfect either. While I was living there, three robberies occurred right next door to me, and there was a CPD blue light district a block away from my apartment. Yet, simply because my neighborhood had more tree canopy than a few blocks over, I felt ten times more comfortable.
Now on my way home along Clark by the park, I witnessed plenty of nature. There were fully grown trees, a fresh breeze from the lake, and pigeons that seem to have no fear of me as I approach them. The one thing that I really took notice of was the level of sound. The quiet peace really was a nice break from the constant progression of cars and buses. These are things I take for granted really when I am in nature, but they subconsciously create this sense of comfort for me when I am out there. What really got me thinking were the activities people did out in nature. Though it is a thing we all take for granted, nature provides a sense of refreshment (at least in my opinion). People read, run, lounge, and even do yoga at the park when they could probably do all these things inside with a lot more privacy. When I'm outside from day to day, however, activities become much more worthwhile than if I did it in the comfort of my home. It is not like in the Muir reading where I find myself actively taking in nature. It is more so like Kuo's article, where having a natural setting influences me to have a positive attitude in what I am doing. Now, can I say I intentionally consider nature on a day to day basis? To be honest, I do not think so. For the most part, my day to day interaction with nature is what I already described. A brief acknowledgment in the weather or how pleasant it is outside, and I move on with what I need to do, while enjoying a sense of comfort generated from natural surroundings.