Sunday, October 11, 2009

Maggie Landon
I examined a tree outside of my apartment and found many signs of different species living in it or using it. I looked up in the tree and found some sort of nest in the branches. The nest looked disheveled and very old so I think it was created last spring. The nest was probably used by a bird. I also saw two squirrels running throughout the branches. Some of the leaves had started to change colors and a lot of them had tiny holes in them. It looked like some type of bug had been eating them. Some of the bark had been torn off, but I don't know what species could have done that. The birds, squirrels, and bugs all depended on that tree. They used it for a place to live and for food.

1 comment:


    Florinda and I looked at the tree across from the McGowan building. In the crevices of the trees we found a lot of ants. We did notice however that the ants did not take shelter in parts of the tree that had moss on it. We found this a little bit strange. We figured that since it is getting cold out, ants are starting to find warmer shelter. Along the bark we also found scratch marks. We concluded that this could be from squirrels climbing up the tree or dogs. We also found a birds nest. What kind of bird resides there, we were not sure. There were no eggs present in the nest.
